Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life To the Full

Lately I’ve realized how great of a hold the world has on me and how much society influences my actions and it’s because I let it, but why, my heart doesn’t belong to the world, my heart belongs to Jesus.  I find my self conforming to the mold that the world has created for me yet Romans 12 tells us not to conform to the world but to be transformed, but like a lot of other scripture I just took it as a guideline but never really put it into action, I’ve never made an effort to transform myself apart from the rules of society.  I’m done living the life the world says I should live and following the pattern that society has laid out for me, I’m done with all these expectations. I belong to Jesus! I want to live the life that he has set before me because I know that it has to be so much better than the one that society has laid out.  Jesus offers us so much and I’ve taken him up on most of it, the forgiveness, the love, the protection, the comfort but he also offers “life to the full,” I haven’t really taken him up on that one.  I want “life to the full,” so why haven’t accepted this gift of Jesus?  I guess if I’m honest, its because I’m scared of leaving the comforts of the society that I was raised to value so highly, I’m scared of judgement, of loneliness, of the unknown.  But I guess this shows how little I truly trust Jesus, he tells me that even that even the hairs on my head are numbered yet I can’t seem to let go of the safety net that is society, he tells me that he’ll never leave me or forsake but I can’t seem to let go of all control.  It seems completely irrational to me to completely let go but Jesus isn’t calling me to be rational, he’s not calling me to be practical, he’s calling me to trust in him and let go, he’s not calling me to live balanced, comfortable life, he’s calling me to trust completely and to love him beyond reason and I’m not sure what He has planned for me but I trust that its a heck of a lot better than the crap that society’s offering. So here’s to letting go, here’s to surrender!

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