Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I  think that so often my doubting of God comes from my desire and my attempts to rationalize God. I try and figure why and how it all works and fits together and I can't, parts of it just don't make sense, some things just don't seem to add up.  Then I think I start to question and doubt God's existence because I am unable to fully understand and rationalize how he works.  But in basing my doubt on my inability to comprehend Him, I am so prideful in thinking that I should be able to understand and process the way in which the God of the universe works, but in reality, He is so much bigger than my human mind and things sometimes don't seem to add up in my head because God's plans and purposes are so much more intricate than I as a human could ever possible comprehend which is why He calls me to faith, its why I'm not called to believe in the law of God the way I believe in the law of gravity.  Its because my mind just isn't big enough to understand it.  I need to stop trying to rationalize God and pridefully trying to reduce him to fit inside my small little brain and instead walk by faith, live in trust and rejoice that God is so much greater than I could ever know.

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