Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Perfection is My Enemy

So I feel like I'm failing at this whole christianity thing.  I mean I love Jesus so much and all I want to do is honor him with my life, serve him and glorify him but I'm failing miserably and its killing me.  Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I completely and totally don't deserve such a sacrifice so I feel like I want to give back to Jesus by serving him but I can't, I try so hard and I fail and its been really bothering me, mostly due to the fact that I'm not used to failing but also because Jesus deserves so much more.  But I guess I'm forgetting that I don't have to earn the love of Jesus, that he already loved me and that I don't have to earn grace, in John 19:30 right before Jesus dies on the cross, he says "it is finished," and I love that verse but lately I've definitely forgotten about it.  At that very moment, Jesus payed the full price for my sins and I was freed, regardless of what I do of who I become, at that moment it was "finished," there is nothing I can do that can change that and I guess maybe thats what Jesus wanted me to learn from my failures.  Maybe he wanted me to figure out that while it's great to serve him with my life, my service won't earn me anything and doesn't have to earn me anything because he already loves me more than I could ever comprehend, and he has already given his life for my sins.  So I try to serve Jesus and follow him and I fail, over and over again I fall short but in God's eyes it doesn't matter.  That is such a relief, that God doesn't judge us for our failures, he doesn't blame us or criticize us for falling short, he loves us through it all, and its no surprise that I didn't realize this until just now because this world that we live in is so based on achieving perfection and sets all these high expectations for us as humans but that's not how God works, he doesn't ask for perfection, he expects nothing of us, he just loves us unconditionally and yes he wants us to serve and glorify him with our lives but our service isn't a test and there is no benchmark to meet.  God's love and forgiveness is so much greater than any mistake I could ever make and he doesn't assess our ability to serve him, so I'm done assessing my success in serving Jesus because I serve and praise and glorify Him out of love and if I fail, I fail, I'll just get back up and try again because Jesus' love never fails.

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